Fixed-Ops Automotive Solutions
Fixed-Ops Service Menu
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I have created the same presentation I would have conducted if I had the opportunity to visit your dealership. You will need to allow the active x extension (Return to Top maybe flashing) to view the presentation. The short movie will show you how easy the Service Menu program is to use.

The first demo is a quick overview for the program and the second one it more detailed.
It may take several seconds for the movie to start playing, it will open in a new window when you click the link below:

  • Program Operation Duration (~4.5MB)
  • There is Audio during the presentation so make sure your speakers are on.
  • Program Operation Duration (~24MB)
  • There is Audio during the presentation so make sure your speakers are on.

Contact Fixed-Ops
Warranty Time Guide Information
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Tel. (800) 596-7507